JT Grade DVM, PhD
Uganda: +256-758 899777
USA: +1-415 858 4262
Belgium: +32-488 94449

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I can now count up to 9 - that means I'm dumber than every American
pre-school child who watches Sesame Street (just call me "DOCTOR Idiot" -
you know, every village needs an idiot, most around here have at least one
crazy person; apparently I'm the idiot for several villages; hopefully, I'm
not the crazy guy for any of them - most of "those guys" walk around naked
and mumbling and there's Just Not Enough Sunscreen In This WORLD for me to
do THAT!)
- OK, to be fair, I used to be able to count to "googolplex" in English
(not a multi-screen cinema for the internet . yet) - but, I can only count
to 9 in Ng'Karamojong (still can't figure out why I can't remember "10," but
I can't) - Ipe (eepay), ngare, ngiuni, ngomwan, ngikan (and then "5+1, 5+2,
5+3, etc to 10; then, 10+1 up to 10+5; then, it's 10+5+1, 10+5+2 - very few
of these guys have ever been to school but they gotta be freaking genius'
just to count their fingers and toes)
- but, when you think about it, what do they have to count, anyway? Cows?
Nah, they don't count their cows, they name them - each and every last one
of them, and they remember the names - no counting involved - it's like
saying I know 150 people versus I know Jim, Betty, Frank, Joe-Bob, Louie,
Pascal, etc - so, I'm from Texas, where we not only have a lot of cows (for
beef), but we also count them and we eat them ("Beef, It's what's for
dinner" and lunch - and high tea and breakfast, too, if  you're lucky!) -
so, this is just a little off-center for me - Jean's from Wisconsin where
they also have a lot of cows (mostly for milking) but until recently, even
if they count them, they still know them individually, so it's not quite so
jarring for her
- maybe that's why they don't eat them very often (only when they're really
hungry or the cow is too sick to carry on any longer) - it would be like
eating Uncle Louie (whom I never liked anyway, but he's mostly skin and
bones), not that they wouldn't eat the bovine version of Uncle Louie (or
just bleed him a little each quarter) but they'd really hate to do it - and
this is what's called "culture learning" (or dinner, as the case may be)


  1. My way to remember it: Knee- Toe-m-Won. Yes that's not phonetically correct, but if you picture getting up to ten (which has relatively made sense by that point) then you passionately slap your knee, and think of your toe and that you've "won" as you bang your closed fists together in celebration.. Well.. You've remembered ten successfully my friend!

  2. sounds great - should work except for the headaches and sore knuckles - ha
    - thanks
