Who I am, aka - my identity, has been so much tied into ‘what I do’ -
God wants that to change. Who ‘I am’ is ‘who I am in Him’ –what He has
done, not what I have done. I’ve aimed to allow my work to also be
worship; all the while searching (and finding) meaningful work that I
enjoy and within it I can make a difference in the lives around me.
I still believe this is good, but –I need to further strive to equate my identity in who I am in Christ –not my identity based on ‘what’ I do.
This is a good lesson for me to revisit –now, while still in my 40’s and not at retirement. As we age, or have debilitating accidents, ‘regular work’ gets forced out of our daily lives, which I imagine the abruptness (of identity) would be even more difficult. Now I have a chance to practice what I’ve been preaching. Leaving the mission field of Uganda, life as I’ve known it for 15 years, is giving me an opportunity to live this out. As an adult, I have had a handful of titles – Doctor –working as a vet in America, Missionary - serving with CVM short term in Haiti & Cameroon and long term in Uganda, Wife –married to Tom in Uganda for 8 years, PhD candidate –studying and defending in Belgium in 2008.
But, now, the question begs –who am I? If I’m not a missionary, who am I? Is there really a box that I need to fill in that asks for my title, my identity? Even though we’ve left ‘front line ministry’ and many roles have changed -
I still am, and remain, a child of God (Jn 1). I stand in Him as I sit in my ashes and grieve over my losses. I am complete in Christ (Col1). Thus, I’m accepted.
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col 3). I am free from any condemnation brought against me and I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rm 8). Thus, I am secure.
I am God’s workmanship (Eph2) and I can do all things thru Him, who strengthens me. Thus, I am significant!
I do not discount the work that Tom and I have been able to be a part of overseas. We are grateful that the seeds we’ve planted and others that we’ve watered will still be tended primarily by the Holy Spirit, but also the hands of KACHEP, Summer Root and the Grubers. Please pray for them!
Today, I’m in Germany to meet Simon and Carina Gruber to help in the handover of our ministry to them. Formerly with Campus Crusade, he’s a theologian and she’s a vet. They’ll move to Karamoja to join Summer and KACHEP in January. I will join them for 3 months in March, and I plan to visit every year for a couple of months. Let me know if you are interested in joining me.
I still believe this is good, but –I need to further strive to equate my identity in who I am in Christ –not my identity based on ‘what’ I do.
This is a good lesson for me to revisit –now, while still in my 40’s and not at retirement. As we age, or have debilitating accidents, ‘regular work’ gets forced out of our daily lives, which I imagine the abruptness (of identity) would be even more difficult. Now I have a chance to practice what I’ve been preaching. Leaving the mission field of Uganda, life as I’ve known it for 15 years, is giving me an opportunity to live this out. As an adult, I have had a handful of titles – Doctor –working as a vet in America, Missionary - serving with CVM short term in Haiti & Cameroon and long term in Uganda, Wife –married to Tom in Uganda for 8 years, PhD candidate –studying and defending in Belgium in 2008.
But, now, the question begs –who am I? If I’m not a missionary, who am I? Is there really a box that I need to fill in that asks for my title, my identity? Even though we’ve left ‘front line ministry’ and many roles have changed -
I still am, and remain, a child of God (Jn 1). I stand in Him as I sit in my ashes and grieve over my losses. I am complete in Christ (Col1). Thus, I’m accepted.
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col 3). I am free from any condemnation brought against me and I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rm 8). Thus, I am secure.
I am God’s workmanship (Eph2) and I can do all things thru Him, who strengthens me. Thus, I am significant!
I do not discount the work that Tom and I have been able to be a part of overseas. We are grateful that the seeds we’ve planted and others that we’ve watered will still be tended primarily by the Holy Spirit, but also the hands of KACHEP, Summer Root and the Grubers. Please pray for them!
Today, I’m in Germany to meet Simon and Carina Gruber to help in the handover of our ministry to them. Formerly with Campus Crusade, he’s a theologian and she’s a vet. They’ll move to Karamoja to join Summer and KACHEP in January. I will join them for 3 months in March, and I plan to visit every year for a couple of months. Let me know if you are interested in joining me.

KACHEP - Emmy, Olum, Andreas, James,
Joshua, Miriam, Christina, Alyce (visiting sis of Mel), Melissa,
Valentina, Nabur and Summer
KACHEP got another huge batch of day-old chicks last month for the
various communities; next month they’ll train another group of select
women how to keep healthy goats as another dozen local goats get new
homes. Pray for Melissa as she returns to Australia and Carina steps in.

Here's one of the family's that you have been supporting thru our work
- young Longok and his baby goat
- young Longok and his baby goat
Tom has returned from Uganda and is getting settled into Texas and
looking for teaching jobs at the seminary level and church work. I was
able to spend a month backpacking in California, the last week in snow.
Thanks for your prayers regarding my health. Two days ago in Belgium,
my neurosurgeon reassured me that my neck is doing well. We are both
searching for jobs. Please feel free to let us know of any leads. As my
health is doing well, I plan to get back into large animal veterinary
practice and get involved in a community church. We both have loose ends
to tie up, some of them with readers of this note.
We continue to rest in the Lord, in whom we are accepted, secure and significant. This is the last month we will receive support thru CVM, therefore, we again urge you to transfer your financial support to KACHEP through CVM, contact Vicki at vvangorkom@cvmusa.org
Paul Elmhorst (Our Father’s House church, WI) is setting up a non-profit fund for KACHEP to transition away from CVM (mid 2013). Another option is to support Summer and the Grubers (see pic below) through Pioneers Int’l or to support another CVM worker, Emily Arndt, who will also do ethnovet work, as I did and KACHEP continues to do.
We continue to rest in the Lord, in whom we are accepted, secure and significant. This is the last month we will receive support thru CVM, therefore, we again urge you to transfer your financial support to KACHEP through CVM, contact Vicki at vvangorkom@cvmusa.org
Paul Elmhorst (Our Father’s House church, WI) is setting up a non-profit fund for KACHEP to transition away from CVM (mid 2013). Another option is to support Summer and the Grubers (see pic below) through Pioneers Int’l or to support another CVM worker, Emily Arndt, who will also do ethnovet work, as I did and KACHEP continues to do.

This year has been a time for me to be humble, honest and wounded. Intense Christian counselling for us has helped us start the healing process; my month in the wilderness was delightful - just me and the Lord, with the Spirit groaning through me. Thanks for your prayers.
Within each of us is a space that only God can fill,

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