Support the work of our fieldworkers
Click Here for Donations to Special ProjectsAll donations given to fieldworker deputation funds will be used at the discretion of CVM for the general project support as outlined in annual project budgets and approved by CVM and managed by the CVM fieldworker. If you would like to fund a special project, click the link above for Special Project Donations.
Christian Veterinary Mission is committed to wise stewardship of your gifts. Christian Veterinary Mission is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). All gifts to Christian Veterinary Mission are tax-deductible.
- If you select a frequency, this will establish a recurring gift.
Otherwise, leave frequency blank for a single non-recurring gift. Note
that recurring gifts are processed to credit cards each month only on
the 5th or 20th. When the donation form is filled out, then click the
Donate Now button.
- You may also complete an electronic funds transfer (EFT) form to have a monthly gift deducted from your checking or savings account. Please print and complete this form and mail it to us at the address listed on the form.
- If you would prefer to mail in a check, please make it out to "Christian Veterinary Mission" and mail it to:
Christian Veterinary Mission
19303 Fremont Ave North
Seattle, WA 98133
An asterisk * denotes a required field.
Designations are not alphabetical. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the list if you do not see the fieldworker's project name you are looking for.
NOTE: If you receive an error message, please contact us immediately at and let us know the date, time and nature of the error.
If the trip participant's name is not listed on the drop down menu below then please select "other" (at the bottom of the list). A white box will appear, and please enter in the Partipant's Account ID (if known--It will start with UCVSTM1---) and the Participant's Name in that box. We will make sure it gets designated to the right individual. Thanks!
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